Support in choosing a career

[Translate to English:] Eine Schulklasse des Ortenburg-Gymnasiums Oberviechtach mit Vertretern des Arbeitgeberverbandes sowie F.EE-Personalleiter Udo Starck vor dem Info-Truck. Foto: F.EE, Philipp Reng.

Around 300 pupils from Ortenburg-Gymnasium Oberviechtach, the secondary schools in Bruck, Neunburg, Oberviechtach and Waldmünchen as well as the secondary school in Neunburg and the FOS/BOS Cham recently enjoyed a very special excursion. From 14 to 18 October, they visited the F.EE group of companies in Neunburg, which is one of the largest employers in the Schwandorf district with around 1,100 employees, as part of the ‘Training Action Days’.
Under the motto ‘Step into the industry of the future’, the ‘Info Truck’ of the Association of Bavarian Metal and Electrical Employers, equipped with the latest technology, awaited the pupils at various stations where they could find out about the job profiles in the industry and gain practical impressions and, for example, test the human-robot interaction when programming a cobot or operating a CNC machine themselves.
F.EE HR Manager Udo Starck then took the visitors on a ‘journey into the world of automation technology’. They were given a tour of the mechanical engineering production halls and visited a robot cell that is being planned, installed and commissioned as part of a project by F.EE trainees in the electronics and mechatronics department. The pupils were given an overview of the wide range of professions at F.EE. Starck also pointed out the possibility of internships in order to gain an even deeper insight into the activities and thus have a decision-making basis for the later career choice. Internships are possible at F.EE all year round - also with friends.
Further information on internship and training opportunities can be found at

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Kathrin Dirnberger, PR and Marketing