Dual studies at F.EE
Join our F.EE-team

Kick start your career - Dual studies with F.EE

Combining theory and practice

Your (vocational) secondary education is complete? Then straight to university it is! Ideally directly in cooperation with F.EE, a successful and experienced company that provides support and knows what’s important.

We work together with proven universities and offer future-oriented study courses every year – is there any better way to embark on a promising career from the outset?


Profit from the F.EE benefits

We offer staff discounts and various health measures for the benefit of our employees. In addition, you benefit from 30 days of vacationsubsidized lunch and various excursions and events.

Hier bewerben

When applying by e-mail to bewerbung@fee.de, please only use PDF files as attachments. The total amount of data should not exceed 5 MB.

Your contact

Udo Starck, Personnel director