Last week, an internal ceremony was held at the headquarters of the F.EE group in Neunburg vorm Wald. Gerlinde, Hans and Robert Fleischmann, together with HR Manager Udo Starck, welcomed a total of eleven honoured employees – two for their successful training and nine for their completed further training – including technicians and master craftsmen from the mechanical engineering division as well as technicians, master craftsmen and engineers from the F.EE Elektrotech Engineering division. In his opening speech, Starck emphasized the continuous further development of the training concept. The training graduates now honored had already benefited from some of the innovations of recent years, such as the series of seminars on health and conflict management or the various team training units. "In the future, we not only want to take on and hire our successful trainees and university graduates directly with a quota of 100 percent, but we also want to become a bit better ourselves as a training company every year", continued the Human Resources Manager. The management also expressed its appreciation for the excellent training and further education qualifications combined with the hope for a long and constructive cooperation.