The joy was to be seen at F.EE personnel manager Udo Starck, when he welcomed the vocational and advanced training graduates, trainers as well as the entire F.EE management to a ceremony on 06 August 2021 in the F.EE canteen. "Corona-related, this is the first major event at F.EE in just under two years and we are very pleased that we can now be safely together with the combination of test and vaccination to congratulate the colleagues present on their education and training graduation," said Udo Starck.
A total of 57 2020 and 2021 training or university graduates were recognized for their outstanding achievements. In addition, there were ten F.EE employees who successfully completed further training during this period. Starck particularly highlighted the achievements of the two Technical Product Designers, Julia Stelzer and Thomas Preißer, the Electronics Technician, Lilian Beier, as well as the industrial clerk, Lisa Brunner, who all completed both their exams and the vocational school with the dream grade of one. Three other apprenticeship graduates also received special recognition from the government of the Upper Palatinate for their outstanding vocational school results. The university graduates were also able to celebrate top performances - Vanessa Bauer, Alexander Baumann, Michael Bottenhofer, Stephan Brunner and Felix Richter each finished their dual Bachelor studies in the fields of Trade & Service Management, Mechatronics and Computer Science with an A before the decimal point. Paul Greifzu was awarded the Bavarian State Government's Master Craftsman Award for his further training as a state-certified mechanical engineering technician, and Fabian Krabatsch also achieved an A grade average in this further training.
Despite turbulent times due to the pandemic, according to Udo Starck, all trainees - as usual at F.EE - could be offered the takeover into a permanent employment relationship, whereby the transition into the working life as a skilled worker took place smoothly and without "practice shock" thanks to practice-oriented training. In this context, the F.EE personnel manager also expressly thanked the team of trainers as well as the study supervisors for their outstanding commitment. "It is also particularly pleasing that we can boast a proportion of women of just under 35 percent among those honored today, and that female graduates with excellent degrees are represented in each of our technically oriented occupational fields - from mechanics, to electronics and mechatronics, to computer science," said Udo Starck. "This impressively confirms that STEM professions offer excellent future prospects, especially for the female gender," concluded the F.EE personnel manager.
After congratulations, certificates and gifts from the hands of the F.EE management, the ceremony ended with a joint lunch.