Getting enthusiastic about technical professions with "Come with (ME)"

The pupils of the 6th grade of the Gregor-von-Scherr-Realschule Neunburg v. W. together with F.EE-trainer Stefan Reitmeier (left) and F.EE-trainees.
Final workpiece "rose cavalier"

At the end of November the project "come with (me)" of the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. at the Gregor-von-Scherr-Realschule in Neunburg vorm Wald started again. The "me" in the project name stands for the metalworking and electrical industry at the same time. On two days, the pupils were given the opportunity to get a practical insight into the working world through contact with the trainees of the F.EE Group.

The motto of the workshop, "Interested - Inform - Try out", is intended to arouse the interest of a total of 63 sixth-grade pupils in technology at an early stage and inform them about training opportunities in the exciting environment of industrial automation. Under the direction of F.EE trainer Stefan Reitmeier and seven precision mechanics trainees, the "rose cavalier" project provided an opportunity to try out the use of tools and materials and get to know the required activities in a practical way. In addition to the guidance and support provided by the F.EE trainees, the students received first-hand information about training in industrial automation.

The added value of the project is to provide students with a realistic insight into the requirements of M+E industry activities and thus to raise awareness of the opportunities and demands of training in these areas.

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